From One Another

Gleaning Wisdom

How many people on any given day are tackling the same health challenges, separately? How many are frustrated by the lack of help and the quick-to-prescribe but slow-to-listen model of medicine? How many simply don't have the time or the means to pay the out of pocket expense of finding alternative solutions?

No woman is an island, entire of herself.

There was a time not too long ago when women shared their stories with one another; when we handed down remedies and treasure troves of information pertaining to our health and happiness.

This community approach to wellbeing is powerful.

A woman genuinely taking care of herself is a beacon for us all.

The advancements in science are profound; emergency rooms and conventional medicines save lives every day. But to tackle the chronic illnesses and the mental health issues that are now plaguing even our young children, we must look to the whole person and incorporate the proactive support of plants.

We need comprehensive, collaborative, and kind to the body alternatives that address root causes, not just symptoms. We need to work with the body and ignite the body's innate healing mechanisms, and we need to learn to reach for one another.

Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness – in fact, it may be the reason we're all here.

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Direct to You

By selling direct, we bypass the unnecessary markups that occur in the retail space. Our goal is to maintain pricing that allows for the ongoing commitment that herbs and supplements require.

Nature + Science

We provide premium supplements of exceptional integrity at affordable prices. We bring the latest in science and the most respected plant traditions to the development of our products.


Our validation and testing program ensures that the botanicals and supplements we provide conform to the highest standards of quality, potency and purity – with no adulteration of raw material.

Return to the way of the woman

her vital way is for everyone. As a brand we celebrate women healers who were foundational to countless cultures worldwide. Fueled by a deep connection to the earth, to the plants, to health as a connected system of body, mind, spirit, and social wellbeing – their focus was always on true, root cause healing.

It is time, in every area of our lives, to return to the way of the woman.